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As a student at Trinity Laban you will receive access to specialist health & injury support through our on-site treatment clinic. 

With a deep understanding of the demands of dance, music, and musical theatre, our team tailors every treatment to your specific needs, so you can stay at the top of your game.

Bookable through Moodle, our students are only ever a few clicks away from the treatment they need.

Medical Support

Our campuses are all within easy access of GP practices, pharmacies, hospitals and dental surgeries. It is important to look after your health whilst studying, and you should register with local health service providers as soon as possible.

The NHS has a helpful article to guide you through this:
Getting Medical Care as a Student


Student Medical Support 

We recommend you take a look at this NHS resource on Getting Medical Care as a Student’.

This includes information on:


Students going to university or college for the first time are eligible for a vaccine to prevent meningitis. The MenACWY vaccine protects against 4 different strains of meningitis and septicaemia: meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases. You can ask your GP for this vaccine until your 25th birthday. It’s best to have it before the start of the academic year. This is because you’ll be at particularly high risk in the first weeks of term, when you’re likely to come into contact with many new people.

Universities and colleges also advise students to be immunised against measles, mumps and rubella before starting their studies. The MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps and rubella) is part of the routine NHS childhood immunisation schedule in the UK. This means most young people who’ve grown up in England will have had 2 doses of it in childhood.

If you’re eligible for the HPV vaccine, it’s important you’ve had 2 doses. It helps protect against genital warts and cancers caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), such as cervical cancer.

Get an annual flu vaccine if you have asthma and need a steroid inhaler or tablets. You should also get a flu vaccine if you have kidney diseasediabetessickle cell disease or other serious long-term conditions.


Even if you do not plan to be sexually active while studying, it’s good to be prepared. Contraception and condoms are free for everyone from any GP – it does not have to be your own – or family planning clinic.
Find sexual health advice and support

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)

As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if you have a:

  • disability
  • long-term health condition
  • mental health condition
  • specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia

The support you get depends on your individual needs and not on income.

If you need medical treatment, you may be able to apply for financial help with NHS costs on the low income scheme.

Additional Health Insurance for Injury 

We advise that you have a health insurance plan, so that you can receive the necessary treatment without financial worry if you get injured. 

If you are a Dance or Musical Theatre student and take out a health cash plan with BHSF, you can apply for the BHSF Dancer Benevolent Fund in the event of injury. 

Music students should read about the Emerging Musicians Health Scheme. 

International Students

If you are an international student and your course is 6 months or longer in duration, you will automatically qualify for free National Health Service (NHS) treatment from the beginning of your stay. 

However, some follow-up emergency treatment may not necessarily be free and so it is up to you to decide whether to take out separate health/medical insurance. If your course is less than 6 months in duration, you are not automatically eligible for NHS treatment and so you are advised to take out separate health/medical insurance. 

Some follow up emergency treatment may not be free, so you might want to take out health/medical insurance to cover you in the event that you need this. 

Medical insurance would cover you for things such as: 

  • Repatriation 
  • Loss of fees if you are unable to complete your programme due to illness 
  • Cost of returning home if you fall ill 
  • Cost of a relative visiting if you fall ill 

A good policy will also give you the option of private treatment for any illness or injury, such as physiotherapy for repetitive strain injury. NHS waiting lists can be long and you don’t want it to affect your career/studies. Most insurers will combine medical and travel insurance. 

Financial Support

While studying at Trinity Laban it is important to consider how you will support yourself should you become injured.

Trinity Laban advises that every student should have a health insurance plan. This means that if an injury does occur you can receive the necessary treatment without financial worry.

Information on providers and accessing financial support is available to all Trinity Laban student on Moodle.  

For enquiries, please contact:


Student Services
Tel: +44 20 8305 9350 / 9342 / 4418