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The Trinity Laban Counselling Service is friendly and approachable, and free to all undergraduate and postgraduate students. 


We have a wide range of support available, ranging from practical support on your studies, to helping with issues of an emotional or personal nature. 


Our counselling team is made up of highly experienced professional counsellors, available at both King Charles Court and the Laban Building between 9:30 and 20:30, Monday to Friday.  


Counselling provides a confidential safe place where you can talk about any anxieties or difficulties that you may be experiencing. It is often easier to talk to someone not otherwise involved in your life, as this can help you gain new perspectives and work things through. 


Trinity Laban students can find out how to access counselling support on the Student Services page via Moodle. 

Emotional Wellbeing

We are very aware that student life can be stressful sometimes, and we are here to help. 

If something is troubling you and is preventing you from making the most of your time here at Trinity Laban, you may find it helpful to make use of our free Counselling Service. 

There are also a number of UK support services you can contact: 

  • Samaritans – a free 24/7 phone line (number 116 123)  for anybody that needs someone to talk to 
  • Nightline – a support and practical information phone line (020 7631 0101) for students in London, opening 6am-8pm during term time 

Specialist services include: 

  • Mind, a national mental health charity 
  • B-eat, the UK’s leading eating disorder charity 
  • Family Planning Association, providing information and advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy 
  • Drink Line, a free, confidential helpline for people concerned about their drinking, or some else’s 
  • Switchboard: LGBT + helpline, an information, support and referral service for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and trans people, and for anyone considering issues around their sexuality and/or gender identity 
  • TransLondon, a discussion and support group for all members of the trans community 


Adapting to life away from home 

If you are living away from home for the first time, you are likely to need time to adjust. 

It is very common for new students to become homesick, and there are many things you can do to help. 

Talk to someone 

Speak to your classmates about how you feel – it is likely that many of them are feeling homesick too! If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, then you can also talk to a tutor or counsellor at Trinity Laban. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up as this can make you feel worse in the long run. 

Keep in contact with friends and family back home

Although your friends and family might be far away, a friendly voice is always reassuring. Go home to visit, but don’t miss out on opportunities to settle into your new surroundings. Friends and family can visit you too – this gives you the opportunity to explore the area with people you know. 

Keep doing things you enjoy 

If you enjoyed cooking, playing sport or anything else before your studies, keep your interests alive. This will help you take your mind off any negative feelings, and find likeminded people. There are plenty of local classes in London, which can even help you find new hobbies! 

Establish a routine 

Once you have your timetable you will start to develop a routine. This will help you find stability and become more settled into your new life. Look after yourself

Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise and try to eat a healthy diet. Avoid drinking too much alcohol, as this can have a negative effect on your mood.

Give yourself time

Moving away from home is a big change and it takes time to make new friends and settle in. So don’t be too hard on yourself. 

If you do experience prolonged feelings of homesickness, anxiety or depression – this is nothing to be ashamed of and you are not alone. Student Services are here to help. 

Studying at a Conservatoire

You might find that the teaching and learning methods at Trinity Laban are different from what you are used to. Our Student Services team and teaching staff are here to support you into a new style of learning, and to help you get the best out of your time with us. 

Here are some guidelines as to what to expect:

In the classroom/studio
Most of your programme will be delivered through small groups/classes, and your teacher is there to support you in your learning. You should be prepared to:

  • Take an active part in practical sessions/group work
  • Ask questions if you wish to – it will not cause offence if you have a different viewpoint
  • Take notes


We encourage you to work independently from a range of sources. Generally speaking, there isn’t always a correct answer – we want you to understand different arguments and make your own judgement.



For most modules you will have a reading list. Items may contain: 

  • Basic reading and/or reference material 

  • An overview of the subject 

  • Background information 

  • Useful information for a specific topic/piece of work 

You are not expected to read every book/article on the list. Most should be available in our libraries – you can ask an assistant if you have trouble finding anything or need to order anything in.



You will need to be able to use IT during your studies – from everyday computer programmes to specialist music and dance science technology (depending on your programme). 

All our students use the following: 

  • The Moodle Virtual Learning Environment – for information about your programme and submitting assignments 

  • A Trinity Laban email address – a vital tool for communication 

If you are faced with equipment or systems that you don’t understand, ask Student Services for help.



Plagiarism is defined as the act of presenting someone else’s work/ideas as your own. 

Although you don’t need to worry too much about this, you need to be aware of the definition as the consequences can be severe. If you are accused of plagiarism in assessed work and examinations, you could fail your programme. 

To avoid being accused of plagiarism, make sure you do the following at all times: 

  • Acknowledge other peoples’ ideas (rather than present them as your own) – whether they are a fellow student or external artist/practitioner 

  • Reference other sources and materials in written work – even when reproducing information in your own words. Referencing other sources shows that you are aware of existing ideas/arguments within your area of study, which is encouraged 

Your programme handbook will include detailed instructions on the accepted methods of referencing. 

If you are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism or you need help with referencing, your teachers will be more than happy to help so don’t be afraid to ask.



You must attend classes regularly and arrive on time. A large part of your course is delivered in class, and you may miss important information if you are not there. 

If you are absent without notification, you will have no grounds for any appeal you might wish to make later. 

For enquiries, please contact:


Student Services
Tel: +44 20 8305 9350 / 9342 / 4418