Staff A-Z
Staff A-Z
Whats On Filters

Eugene Asti
Lecturer in Art Song and Collaborative Piano

Lynton Atkinson
Professorial Staff - Voice

Derek Aviss OBE
Professorial Staff - Cello

Clare Baker
Lecturer in Dance: Choreography, Contemporary Dance Technique, Improvisation and Repertory

Tom Baker
Modile Leader : Creative Research Level 5 & 7

Dr David Baker
Professorial Staff - Academic Studies (Guest Lecturer)

Neil Baker
Professorial Staff - Voice

Adam Samuel Bal
Acting Teacher

Gabriele Baldocci
Professorial staff - Piano, Chamber Music and Collaborative Piano

Dr Lyndsay Barnbrook
Programme Leader: CertHE Musical Theatre Foundation, MA Musical Theatre

Chris Batchelor
Professorial Staff - Jazz Trumpet, Jazz Combos

Liz Bayley MSc MCSP HCPC
Specialist Dance / Foot and Ankle Physiotherapist

Brigitte Beraha
Professorial Staff – Jazz Voice

Stephen Berkeley-White
Lecturer in Dance

Luke Birch
Lecturer in Dance