Funding your creative future
If you’re looking for funding to support your training, there are charitable trusts and foundations that might be able to help.
Trusts and foundations have different approaches and criteria to awarding funding for education and training. They will normally provide clear and concise funding guidelines, both in terms of who is eligible to apply and in terms of what they will fund (i.e. whether this is help towards tuition fees, maintenance (living costs), purchase of a musical instrument, or travel costs).
The amount that each trust awards to individuals will vary; it is likely that you will need to apply to a range of trusts to make up any deficit in your funding.
Please be aware that many trusts have early deadlines, so you will need to allow plenty of time and start your funding search well in advance of the academic year for which you require financial support. You may find it more difficult, therefore, if you are looking for funding towards the current academic year; however, some trusts will accept applications submitted at any time of the year.
Most of the directories listed below can be found in the Jerwood Library of Performing Arts:
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding is all about alternative sources of funding – especially charities – which can make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any student regardless of subject or nationality. It contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance, and numerous tools to help you prepare a winning grant application. Trinity Laban has purchased a licence to the Guide, and so students and staff can login and use it for free.
If you are a prospective student who has been offered a place at Trinity Laban, please email the Student Services department to get an access PIN. A printed copy of the Guide is held by the Student Services department and is available on a reference basis to current Trinity Laban students.
The Guide to Educational Grants
Published by the Directory of Social Change. This is a very useful and clearly set out resource, setting out details of a huge range of trusts and charities that provide funding to individuals for education and training. Available in the Jerwood Library and the Laban Library.
The Grants Register: The Complete Guide to Postgraduate Funding Worldwide
Published by Palgrave Macmillan. The most comprehensive guide on postgraduate grants and professional funding globally. Available in the Jerwood Library.
The British & International Music Yearbook
Published by Rhinegold. Contains sections on scholarship and grants for study and research in the UK and abroad. Available in the Jerwood Library.
The Grants Register
Published by Palgrave Macmillan. Annual guide to postgraduate funding worldwide. It is possible to search for an award within a specific subject area. A list of awards by subject are further subdivided by nationality. Available in the Jerwood Library.
Charities Digest
Published by Wilmington Business Intelligence. The majority of information is about national charities and charities which cover whole regions of the country. Also includes key local organisations and charities that offer grants to individuals. The publication is also indexed to help you find the charity you need by focusing on the subject area you are looking for (for example, Education and Training). Available in the Jerwood Library.
The Guide to the Major Trusts
Published by the Directory of Social Change in two volumes. A guide for those seeking to raise money for charity from grant-making trusts and foundations. Includes details of the top 400 UK trusts; details of the grant-giving of each trust; descriptions of trusts’ grant-making policies and practices; examples of donations made; the trusts’ own guidelines and advice for applicants (including contact details and deadlines); independent commentary on the trusts’ activities and concerns. Available in the Jerwood Library.
The Guide to Grants for Individuals in Need
Published by the Directory of Social Change. Details of a wide range of funds and other support available for the relief of individual poverty and hardship. This directory is not aimed at funding for education, but there are useful funding bodies within it that may not be listed elsewhere. Available in the Jerwood Library.
Trusts & Foundations
Gilchrist Educational Trust – Study Grants to Individuals
The Greenwich Blue Coat Foundation
The Ha Grant (small grants of up to £300 for undergraduate and postgraduate students in their final year of study)
The Leathersellers’ Company (undergraduate student grants)
Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust
Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust
Philological Foundation (Must be under 26 years old. Must have previously attended a high school or college in Camden or Westminster area)
The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust (Masters and Doctoral students) (Masters and Doctoral students. Must be either a postgraduate application with a first or upper second BMus degree OR be in your final year of undergraduate but with proof that you’re expecting to come out with a first)
Roger De Haan Charitable Trust (RDHCT) – Creative Arts Bursary (only applicable to people from east Kent, specifically the district around Folkstone)
Rutlish Foundation (For undergraduate or postgraduate students under 25. Only applicable to people born in or residing in the ancient parish of Merton, or have attended Rutlish School or a 6th form connected to Rutlish School for at least one year.)
Sir William Boreman’s Foundation (Offers financial aid for food, travel to and from school and equipment to people aged under 25 who live in Greenwich or Lewisham)
The Portal Trust (available to undergraduate and postgraduate students aged under 25, from inner London and from a low-income or disadvantaged background)
The Black Heart Foundation Scholarship Programme (available to underrepresented or underrescourced students)
The Sidney Perry Foundation (applicable for undergraduate and postgraduate students under 35 (older students could be considered in extenuating circumstances)
The Community Foundation for Wiltshire & Swindon
The William Barry Trust (Available to foundation or undergraduate students, up to £1000 can be given for every year of study.)
The General Jan Zygmunt Emil Berek and Irena Bogumila Berek Charitable Trust (Available for Polish students who would be otherwise unable to access higher education.)
Yamaha Music Europe Foundation (for students aged 25 or under)
The Yorkshire Ladies’ Council of Education (YLCE) Educational Awards Fund(For British undergraduate women aged over 21 that are not eligible for student financial support, and postgraduate British women.)
Trusts & Foundations that specifically fund individuals for music education and training:
Help Musicians – Postgraduate Awards (up to £5000 available for postgraduates, shortlisted applicants must audition)
The Countess of Munster Musical Trust (offers support to postgraduate instrumentalists and vocalists across jazz or classical study)
Drake Calleja Trust (scholarships available to classical solo instrumentalists, accompanists and singers of all nationalities over age 18)
Vaughn Williams Bursaries for postgraduate composition students (available to students applying for their first masters in composition)
Sir James Caird Travelling Scholarships Trust
Muriel Taylor Scholarship for Cellists (available to students aged between 17-23)
Sussex Young Musician of the Year Bursary Competition (Coro Nuovo Bursary) (Available to students born in or living in Sussex)
The Radford Charitable Trust (Cornwall) (Available to students currently living in Cornwall or who lived there until aged 18)
The Mario Lanza Educational Foundation (Available for students aged 21-28)
Humphrey Richardson Taylor Charitable Trust
Australian Music Foundation (AMF) (Available to Australian citizens. Instrumentalists up to age 27 and singers, conductors, composers, accompaniests up to age 31)
Support For Travel
Lisa Ullmann Travelling Scholarship Fund (for dancers who want to study abroad or travel abroad for a project or performance)
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (any UK citizen aged 18+ can apply but their application must display how their abroad study/project will benefit some sector or group of people in the UK besides themselves)
Other Funding Sources & Useful Information
Elizabeth Eagle-Bott Memorial Fund (for blind or partially sighted musicians, priority given to classical instrumentalists especially organists)
Postgrad Solutions (They offer five bursaries of up to £2,000 per year across a number of subject areas.)
Musical instrument funding
Musical Instrument Funding
A number of trusts offer funding to support the purchase or loan of instruments:
Abbado European Young Musicians Trust (Loans to assist young instrumentalists who are aiming for a professional career in music in buying suitable instruments to help them progress. Available for those aged 18 to 30.)
Albert Cooper Trust (They only accept applications from those studying in the UK with a UK bank account.)
The Countess of Munster Musical Trust (financial aid available across a variety of instruments for students generally aged up to 30)
Take It Away (interest free instrument loans to support musicians at any level, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, no age or residential requirements)
Universal Music UK Sound Foundation
Loan Fund for Musical Instruments (preference given to British nationals)
The Albert Cooper Music Charitable Trust (Instrument loans for students between ages 18-21)
The Tom Acton Memorial Trust (Supports musicians from Essex under age 25 with instrument loans)
The Radford Trust (Must come from Cornwall and have lived there until aged 18)