Junior Trinity: Main Programme (ages 10-19)
Course details
Our junior music course offers an exciting and comprehensive music education for students aged 10 to 19. Set in the inspiring surroundings of our beautiful Greenwich building, students have the unique opportunity to learn from world-class musicians. The curriculum is varied and engaging, featuring individual tuition, choral and chamber music, orchestral training, and numerous performance opportunities. Whether aiming to refine their skills or develop new ones, students will thrive in a vibrant and supportive musical community.
Key Features
Junior Trinity’s Main Programme is designed for young musicians aged 10 to 19, offering a comprehensive music education over thirty teaching weeks each year. The schedule closely follows the school term structure, with one weekend off for half-term. In addition to regular classes, students benefit from an exciting week each term dedicated to masterclasses, large concerts, and other enriching activities, providing them with valuable performance experience and specialised instruction. This well-rounded programme helps students develop their musical abilities in a supportive and engaging environment.
The Junior Trinity day starts around 09:00 and finishes around 17:00, depending on your age and timetable. It may be possible to arrange a later start for students who travel a long distance. At the end of each day, we have a weekly recital series “JT @ Teatime” for solo and chamber groups to perform.
The Junior Trinity Main Programme includes the following core elements:
- A 40-minute individual lesson on your principal/first-study instrument
- Musicianship class (50 mins)
- Choral Ensemble (40-60 mins)
- Chamber Music and Large Ensembles (or in some cases a performance class) (40-60 mins)
Further Study Options
Students may add additional lessons to their timetable subject to availability (additional fees may apply). These often include:
- Second / third study lessons
- Extended lessons on first study (increase to 60 minutes)
- Alexander Technique lessons (weekly in groups of two)
- Individual support for Trinity College London
- GCSE / A Level classes in Music (reduced core programme).
Key Facts
- Location
- King Charles Court
- Start Date
- September
- Application deadline
- 1 March 2025
Detailed Information
Junior Trinity has a long and well-known tradition of creative musicianship training which gives students greater confidence in their approach to composing, listening and performing. The philosophy underlying the classes is very much in parallel with the emphasis on composing skills in GCSE, AS and A-Level courses, and a wide range of music is explored.
Aural skills and a general musical vocabulary are developed through singing, playing and written dictation. Students learn to extemporise and improvise as soloists and in groups, and to compose for members of the class. A historical awareness is developed through musical examples and project work.
Students’ compositions and arrangements are frequently performed in our Teatime concerts and the Composers’ Ensemble at end of term concerts and public events, including external workshops run by professional orchestras and contemporary music organisations.
Classes tend to be fairly small (approximately 8-10 students) and students of similar age are grouped together.
General musicianship is an important element in the Junior Trinity timetable and students find that it enhances all aspects of their musical training.
Chamber Music
Junior Trinity students have opportunities to experience chamber music playing at various levels. This is often their introduction to the genre as chamber music coaching is often not available to them elsewhere.
A variety of ensembles are formed each year depending on the student cohort, with everything from string quartets/octets, wind quintets, baroque trios, brass quintets and saxophone ensembles.
Pianists who may have fewer opportunities to perform chamber music often participate in a multi-hand group, exploring unusual repertoire, and will participate in one of our Piano Performance Classes.
Jazz ensembles can be available for students wishing to delve into jazz repertoire and improvisation techniques in more depth alongside the larger traditional Big Band.
Students are encouraged to perform chamber music in the weekly JT @ Teatime concerts and in public concerts. Many ensembles perform regularly in high-profile events, regional festivals and competitions coordinated by the students themselves.
Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a pro-active way of dealing with the stresses and strains of everyday life. It helps young people cope with the physical and emotional demands of music-making, and is therefore a popular element of the Junior Trinity curriculum.
By bringing awareness to harmful habits, the Alexander Technique reduces muscle tension and pain, improves coordination and musical performance, and restores emotional balance. In short, it is an effective tool for nurturing young people’s overall wellbeing.
The Technique is taught by active practitioners who are also performers empathetic to students’ issues. Teachers use verbal instructions and hands-on guidance to help unravel tensions and encourage a holistic use of the mind and body.
Junior Trinity aims to pair students together to allow them to observe each other and learn both by doing and by watching. Through experience and observation, students become able to change longstanding habits and function more efficiently, and to apply the benefits of the Technique in playing their instruments or singing.
Conducting classes are available for small groups of more advanced Junior Trinity students who wish to broaden their musical perspective. Our conducting students find that their acquired skills are very useful in their schools, local community activities and when they progress on to Higher Education.
Students learn the rudiments of conducting technique for the first few weeks including beat patterns, beating styles and how to communicate specific musical effects through gesture. Gradually the classes develop into conducting the other members of the group and studying core repertoire. We may also be able to give our advanced young conductors opportunities to conduct the Junior Trinity ensembles in rehearsals and concerts on occasions.
In addition to the experience they gain in Musicianship classes and GCSE/A Level lessons at school or through Junior Trinity, many students take individual composition lessons to explore their skills in more depth. Junior Trinity gives them many opportunities to hear their works performed by fellow students in the weekly Teatime concerts, through the Composers’ Ensemble, as well as opportunities in more formal settings and projects with student choreographers for collaborative music and dance projects with Trinity Laban’s Centre for Advanced Training in Dance.
Many Junior Trinity composers have achieved top awards including BBC Proms/Inspire Young Composers’ Competition and the European Piano Teachers Association Composers Competition.
Junior Trinity encourages its composers to apply for prestigious vacation courses to extend their skills and contacts further, notably in the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain ‘composer in residence’ scheme and the Sound and Music Summer Schools.
We are privileged that eminent professional composers visit Junior Trinity regularly to lead invaluable workshops with our students.
Entry Requirements
Applicants are expected to be at least Grade 5 standard or equivalent on their first study instrument.
However, there are many factors, including the instrument played and whether students have received formal musical training, that also inform the audition panel. Places at Junior Trinity are limited and being of the right standard alone is not a guarantee of acceptance to the department.
How to apply
Applications for 2025 entry for our Main Programme are now closed. If you have any question please email: juniortrinity@trinitylaban.ac.uk
Auditions for applicants for 2025 entry will take place in-person during March and April at King Charles Court, Old Royal Naval College. There is an audition fee of £35 which can be paid via our online shop. Please note that the audition fee is non-refundable.
Junior Trinity offers a limited number of bursaries to cover fees or a proportion of fees. These are fully means-tested and available to Main Programme students. We currently cannot offer financial assistance to students on our Band Time, String Time or Distance Learning A-Level programmes.
Junior Trinity is indebted to the following for their support for our bursary scheme:
· Department for Education’s Music and Dance Scheme
· Trusts and Foundations, including Leverhulme Foundation and The Wolfson Foundation
· Individual donors and endowment funds
· Partnerships with schools, music hubs and other organisations
Application Process:
Any current Main Programme student can apply for bursary assistance. New students must audition and be offered a place on the programme before applying for a bursary.
March Online course survey sent to all new and returning students, with the option to request bursary funds
May Students that have requested a bursary sent an additional bursary application form and details of documentation needed to support their application
July Successful bursary applicants are informed by email
Bursaries are awarded based on household income for the financial year that ends directly before the academic year they are being applied for – for example, for the academic year starting September 2025 applicants will have to supply proof of income for the financial year that ends in April 2025.
All financial assistance awarded is then reflected as a discount on invoices issued in August for the academic year.
Prospective bursary applicants must confirm enrolment to Junior Trinity in March, prior to the outcome of their request for financial assistance, which will be confirmed in writing in July. Junior Trinity accepts that occasionally students may need to alter their course requests or withdraw completely because of the outcome of bursary allocation decisions.
All bursary recipients must reapply each year and inform Junior Trinity of any changes in their circumstances during the year.