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Freedom of Information

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In the interests of greater openness and accountability across the public sector, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 requires Trinity Laban to proactively make information publicly available. Under Section 19 of the FOIA, each public authority must also produce a publication scheme.

Trinity Laban has adopted the model publication scheme developed for the higher education sector. This publication scheme sets out the categories of information already published, or to be published in the future, and how this may be accessed. This is not a list of the actual publications, as this will change as new material is published or existing material revised. It is, however, our commitment to make available the information described.

Much of the information in the publication scheme is included on our website using the links provided. If information is required in hard copy, depending on the size and complexity of the request, a charge may be levied for this. In reaching an estimate of the cost of providing a response to a request for information, the Institution will factor in staff time (£25 per hour) for finding out whether the information requested is held and extracting and gathering the information. Where this estimate is below £450, no charge will be levied other than for the cost of postage/transmission and photocopying costs where this exceeds £30. Where a fee is chargeable a fees notice will be issued to the applicant within 20 days and the deadline for the full response will be extended until the fee is paid. The Institution will provide current copies but cannot guarantee the availability of historic information.

Making a request

Requests for information to be supplied under the Freedom of Information Act may be made using the request form or by writing to:

Jonathan Peel
Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance,
Faculty of Music,
King Charles Court,
London, SE10 9JF

The Publication Scheme – Information Classes

The accordion below itemises the different information classes in our Publication Scheme.

Who we are and what we do


This section relates to organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

Class Information Description Method of Publication Fee
Legal Framework

Information relating to the legal and regulatory framework within which Trinity Laban operates is set out in the Company Information and the governing documents are available to view in the Governance page.



How the Institution is Organised

The Board of Governors has ultimate responsibility for the institution.

Details of the Board of Governors and its committees are set out in the Governance pages, this includes Academic Board and committees.

The Board delegates the organisation, direction and management of the Institution to the Principal, who is Chief Executive and Head of the Institution.  The management structures are set out in the Governance pages of the website.

Departmental structures are currently under review and will be posted on the website in due course.



Location and Contact Details Contact Trinity Laban

Contact Blackheath Halls.



Student Activities Information relating to the operation and activities of the Student Union and other clubs, associations and non-academic activities.

The Student Union operates a Facebook site and has its own website.

Copies of the Students’ Union Constitution and Code of Practice are under review and will be posted on the website in due course.




Hard copy



What we spend and how we spend it

This section relates to financial information relation to projected and actual income and expenditure procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Class Information Description Method of Publication Fee   
Funding/ Income The Finance Department provides accounting, procurement and contracting services, helping to make best use of resources and fulfilling statutory responsibilities. Information that is commercially sensitive will be excluded from publication

The Financial Memorandum between the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and Trinity Laban sets out the terms and conditions for the payment of funds by HEFCE. The Institution’s Board of Governors and the Accounting Officer are responsible for ensuring that conditions of grant are met. As part of this process the Institution must adhere to the HEFCE’s audit code of practice to ensure accountability for risk management, control and governance.

The Model Financial Memorandum and Audit Code of Practice are available on the HEFCE website.

Web None
Budgetary and Account Information

The report and financial statements of the Institution and its subsidiary are prepared annually and filed with Companies House and with the Charities Commission (Reg Charity No: 309998).  These can be viewed on the Charity Commission website and also the latest accounts can be viewed in the Governance section of this website.

Hard copy available



Financial Regulations and Procedures

The financial regulations of the Institution and terms and conditions for staff form part of the overall system of accountability. Policies and procedures relating to planning and resource allocation, and deployment of resources are available upon request.

Hard copy

Staff Pay and Grading Structures

Trinity Laban has agreed a pay structure based on its implementation of the National Pay Framework. Pay scale details available upon request.

Hard copy


Research Funding

Information on research funding and activity is set out in the Research pages of the website.



Invoice Payment Performance

Date on the payments of supplier invoices within agreed 30 days payment terms is available on request.

Hard Copy



What our priorities are and how we are doing

This section relates to strategy and performance information, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews.

Class Information Description Method of Publication Fee
Annual Report

The annual report is provided within the Report and Financial Statements which are filed and available for view on the Charity Commission website. Regularly updated information is also available throughout the website.

Hard copies available




Strategic Plan and Academic Strategy and External Review

The About Us page of the website provides information relating to Trinity Laban’s mission and vision and its ten-year strategic plan.



Government and Regulatory Reporting

You can find information relating to Academic Quality processes within the About Us section of the website.


Schemes are published in respect of equal opportunities provision which include action plans and details of monitoring and review processes. These are set out on our Equality and Diversity information page..




Hard copy



How we make decisions

This section relates to policy proposals and decisions. Decision making processes, internal criteria and procedures, consultations.

Class Information Description Method of Publication Fee

Decision-making processes

The Governance page details the Board and Committee structure and terms of reference.



Minutes from Governing Body and Academic Board

Copies of minutes of the Board of Governors and Academic Board are available following ratification, excluding material which is deemed to be private or commercially sensitive.

Hard copy


Our policies and procedures

A large suite of documentation can be found on our policies and procedures page. Anything else is available upon request.

Lists and Registers

This section relates to information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.

PUBLIC REGISTERS Register of Members of the Company

Register of Directors of the Company

Register of Directors’ Interests

All available for inspection upon request.



The services we offer

This section relates to information held in respect of advice and guidance on the services we offer.

Class Information Description Method of Publication Fee

Available upon request

Hard copy available None
Services for outside bodies

Click on the categories below to view:

Performance programme at various venues

Community and education activities
– Trinity Laban activites
– Blackheath Halls activities

Trinity musicians for events

Trinity Guildhall Music examinations through Trinity College London

Music Exchange/Study abroad

Dance Study year abroad

Dance journals and books

Musical Theatre with Reynolds Performing Arts

Indian music with Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

Student accommodation through the McMillan Student Village



Course content

Details of all courses are set out on the website



Welfare and counseling

Information in respect of student welfare and support is located in student support section of the website.




Student Suppport services

Information regarding Health, Pilates and dance science is set out in the Health section of the website.

The Student Support section of the website provides details of Chaplaincy, counseling and medical services offered.




Student careers guidance and information is published on the website



Libraries, collections and archives

The Libraries page of the website provides details in respect of the libraries and collections.



Conference facilities

Venue hire details are available on the website



How to register dissatisfaction with this service

If an applicant feels that the service they have received has not been satisfactory, they should contact the Secretary and Clerk to the Board in the first instance.  If this does not give satisfaction, student applicants should use the Student Complaints Procedure and other applicants should refer their complaint to the Head of General Administration at the above address.  Ultimately, any individual has the right to take a complaint to the Information Commissioneropens in a new window.