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And there’s only one
Trinity Laban


Statement of responsibilities

This document has been developed jointly by Trinity Laban and its Student Union.

It aims to set out the respective responsibilities of the institution and students, acting as a signpost to further, more detailed information elsewhere.

Students needing further guidance should contact Student Services, Registry, the Student Union, and other published documentation advised below.

By admitting you onto a programme of study Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance agrees to:

    1. provide access to the range of learning opportunities within each module/component appropriate to the level of the qualification, as described in the relevant Programme Handbook.
    2. provide access to appropriate student support services i.e. Student wellbeing and financial advice, Counselling services, Disability advice, Careers advice, Learning support, Health, and International support. See: Student Services area on Moodle
    3. provide and promote a culture of mutual respect between staff and students. See Equality and Diversity Policy
    4. adhere to the policies, procedures and regulations adopted by Trinity Laban Academic Board and the Board of Governors.
      See pur Policies and Procedures
    5. provide suitably qualified and prepared staff who will attend all timetabled sessions punctually, inform students when staff are not available, and provide alternative staffing where possible.
    6. provide access to appropriate specialist equipment and facilities, with guidance on how they can be booked by students when necessary.
    7. provide opportunities to review individual progress and provide feedback within published timescales. See: Policy on feedback on assessed work
    8. provide opportunities for students to express their views on all aspects of the learning experience, for example via representation on formal decision-making committees and component/module/programme surveys.
    9. provide a clear process for the handling of complaints and appeals that deals with the issues raised in a timely manner. See:  Complaints, Appeals and Disciplinary Procedures
    10. provide students with equitable opportunities to access appropriate performance opportunities.

By enrolling on a programme of study at Trinity Laban, the student agrees to:

  1. engage fully with all aspects of the programme, contribute actively to the learning environment and take full responsibility for their learning and progress with the support of relevant staff.
  2. adhere to all Trinity Laban policies, procedures and regulations as outlined in the Programme Handbooks and other Trinity Laban and Faculty-specific documents. See: Student Handbook section on Moodle
  3. provide and promote a culture of mutual respect between staff and students. See Equality and Diversity Policy
  4. take personal responsibility to be fully prepared for all classes and, in the case of practical classes and performances, be appropriately warmed up in advance, tuned and/or dressed appropriately.
  5. attend all timetabled activities, including rehearsals and performances punctually.
  6. follow the procedures for injury/illness outlined in the Programme Handbook, liaising with staff where necessary to determine whether it is appropriate to observe classes or rehearsals when unable to participate fully.
  7. submit work for assessment by the given deadline and be present for practical assessments at the published time, or follow procedures for requesting an extension/deferral where necessary.
    See: Mitigating Circumstances section in your Programme Handbook
  8. pay, by the due date, any monies due to Trinity Laban. Students in debt to Trinity Laban may not be allowed to progress or receive an award.
  9. seek appropriate authorisation from Trinity Laban to attend interviews, auditions or to participate in any extra-curricular activities which require you to be absent from a timetabled session.
  10. respect facilities and equipment and leave them in the condition in which you found them and adhere to departmental protocols concerning the loan and return of shared learning resources such as equipment, instruments, library resources and/or other materials.