If you would like the handbook in another format, please contact: Joseph Wengraf, Assistant Registrar (Quality and Governance)
Chapter A – Introduction
Chapter B – Reporting & management structures
Chapter B appendix 1 – Academic Board Committees Handbook (Sept 24)
Chapter B appendix 2 – Standards for the Operation of the Academic Board and its Committees and Working Groups
Chapter C – Programme design, approval and validation
Chapter C appendix 1: Membership and Terms of Reference – Programme Development Group
Chapter C appendix 2: Validation Process
Chapter C appendix 3: Template for Programme Proposals
Chapter C appendix 4: Validation Submission Template
Chapter D – Programme monitoring, amendment, revalidation & closure
Chapter D appendix 1: Revalidation Process
Chapter D appendix 2: Revalidation Approval in Principle Form
Chapter D appendix 3: Revalidation template
Chapter D appendix 4: Programme and Module Amendment Form
Chapter D appendix 5: Annual Programme Evaluation Template
Chapter D appendix 6: Policy for transfer to blended, remote and hybrid learning and teaching strategies
Chapter E – Assessment
Chapter E appendix 1: Dance Assessment Procedures
Chapter E appendix 2: Music Performance Assessment Procedures
Chapter E appendix 3: Specialist Adviser’s Feedback Form (Music)
Chapter E appendix 4: Personal Study Plan Procedure
Chapter E appendix 5: Personal Study Plan Proposal Form
Chapter E appendix 6: Institutional Generic Marking Criteria
Chapter E appendix 7: Reasonable Adjustments Policy
Chapter E appendix 8: Recognition of Prior Learning Form
Chapter E appendix 9: Procedure for Handling Academic Misconduct
Chapter E appendix 10: Assessment Design Guidance and Checklist
Chapter E appendix 11: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy for Students
Chapter F – External examining
Chapter F appendix 1: External Examiner Nomination Form
Chapter F appendix 2: External Examiner Induction Checklist
Chapter G – Admissions, recruitment & widening access
Chapter G appendix 1: Admissions Criteria for Dance Programmes
Chapter G appendix 2: Audition Criteria for Music Programmes
Chapter G appendix 3: Under Eighteen Student Admission Arrangements
Chapter H – Student complaints, academic appeals & disciplinary procedures
Chapter H appendix 1: Notes on the Conduct of a Complaints Review Hearing
Chapter H appendix 2: Complaints – Guidance for Students
Chapter H appendix 3: Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Chapter H appendix 4: Summary Complaint Procedure
Chapter H appendix 5: Formal Complaint Form
Chapter H appendix 6: Review of Complaint Form
Chapter H appendix 7: Academic Appeal Form
Chapter H appendix 8: Review of Academic Appeal Outcome
Chapter H appendix 9: Disciplinary Complaint Form
Chapter I – Collaborative partnerships
Chapter I appendix 1: Initial Assessment template
Chapter I appendix 2: Institutional Due Diligence template
Chapter I appendix 3: Collaborative Partnership Proposal Form
Chapter I appendix 4: Collaborative Partnership Re-Approval Form
Chapter I appendix 5: Placement Guidance and Templates